The Dyscalculia Toolkit Book

The Dyscalculia Toolkit Book


Product code: AGMT13577

GBP£44.99 inc VAT
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This is an excellent resource...suitable for use with all learners between the ages of 7 and 14, but particularly for supporting pupils experiencing significant and specific difficulties in mathematics.

This collection of 200 teaching activities and 40 games to use with pupils who struggle with maths is based on the author's years of experience in schools, working with dyslexic, dyspraxic and dyscalculic pupils - but all the suggested strategies are equally suitable for teaching the basics of numeracy to any pupil aged 7 to 14.

The toolkit covers:

  • early number work with numbers under 10
  • basic calculations with numbers above 10
  • place value
  • times tables, multiplication and division

The activities and games provided can be used with individuals, pairs or small groups of pupils, and the CD-ROM accompanying the book contains printable and photocopiable resources.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
7 Years
Ronit Bird
Development Need
Key Stage
Pack size
Product Type
SAGE Publications Ltd
GBP£44.99 inc VAT
Out of stock

Delivery expected in 2 weeks.


This is an excellent resource...suitable for use with all learners between the ages of 7 and 14, but particularly for supporting pupils experiencing significant and specific difficulties in mathematics.

This collection of 200 teaching activities and 40 games to use with pupils who struggle with maths is based on the author's years of experience in schools, working with dyslexic, dyspraxic and dyscalculic pupils - but all the suggested strategies are equally suitable for teaching the basics of numeracy to any pupil aged 7 to 14.

The toolkit covers:

  • early number work with numbers under 10
  • basic calculations with numbers above 10
  • place value
  • times tables, multiplication and division

The activities and games provided can be used with individuals, pairs or small groups of pupils, and the CD-ROM accompanying the book contains printable and photocopiable resources.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
7 Years
Ronit Bird
Development Need
Key Stage
Pack size
Product Type
SAGE Publications Ltd

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